Episode 011: Documentary Director / Cinematographer Jack Zakrajsek

Meet Jack Zakrajsek, a 22-year-old filmmaker who began on his filmmaking career by dropping out of film school. His bold move paid off. He shot a feature film that led to an unexpected breakthrough on YouTube.

Jack is a documentary film director and cinematographer based in Colorado. Over the past few years, he has worked on numerous documentary and marketing projects across the United States, as well as in South Africa, Namibia, British Columbia, and Costa Rica. His debut directorial feature film, "Tracing The Divide," is set to premiere in 2024. His short film "Wild Connection," which offers an intimate look at cheetahs in South Africa, recently premiered at the International Hawaii Film Festival, an Academy Award-qualifying event.

Jack is passionate about documenting stories that challenge audiences to rethink their lives and perspectives, aiming to inspire new worldviews through his compelling narratives.

To watch on Youtube visit: https://youtu.be/AyxuVwUIW5Q


